Your world-class software engineering partner

Build world class software engineering capabilities with DREAMDEV.

How we can help

Product Delivery

We oversee the entire development process from start to finish, ensuring the continuous delivery of business value.

Digital Transformation

We assist customers in upgrading their software systems using the latest technology for better efficiency, scalability, and business growth.

Dedicated Teams

Expert cross-functional teams that meet your value stream requirements, delivering immediate and continuous business value.

Architectural Consultancy

We help our customers understand their business domain quickly. We bring clarity and simplicity to complex distributed architectures.

Software Delivery Consultancy

We help our customers identify bottlenecks in their delivery processes and help them reduce their Time to Market (cycle and lead times).

Coaching and Training

We help customers embed DevOps, modern software development practices and continuous delivery culture into their organisations through coaching and training.

27,000 +

of the world's top engineers

Augment and scale your software delivery teams with world class expertise from DreamDev’s unique network of talent.

We provide best in class support on your digital transformation journey.

Build your dedicated
development team

Our experienced engineers will provide customized, state-of-the-art software solutions that guarantee seamless operations and optimal performance. 

Speak Business, Build Software with Enterprise AI

dot-star is the worlds first enterprise platform with reliable, fully functional AI code generation capabilities.

Describe your business processes, and build enterprise-grade software effortlessly.

Drive business outcomes, minimise risk, and accelerate time-to-market with dot-star.